The Evolution Of The Day That Saved Us
You know how The Day Duology was once one book? The Day That Saved Us. And then as the story evolved it made more sense for me to make it two books? So, it got two shiny new covers for The Day That Changed Us and The Day That Saved Us.
WELL. Forget all of that. The Day Duology is back to one book. I KNOW. Pick a concept and stick with it, Mindy. This is getting ridiculous. I promise this decision was not taken lightly. My editor is in the process of reading both books, and it made the most sense to combine them once again. So the good news is, rather than getting two shorter books, you'll be getting one LONG one! YAY! Hopefully, this is good news for most of you.
Now moving on to the important stuff, like well... what are you going to do about the cover now? Go back to the old one? Do a combination of the second two? The answer is: neither. The very first cover didn't feel quite right to go back to, so I enlisted the lovely Starla Huchton again (she has so much patience with me it's not even funny) to work out another new TDTSU cover with me. Let me just show you how much patience she has.
I present you, The Evolution Of 'The Day That Saved Us'.
Starla loves me. She really does. You counted right. There are 12 there, and that doesn't include all of the different test fonts on every one of them. I'm such a visual person, I have to see ALL THE OPTIONS. Some of these are actually from the very first round of cover mock ups. Some are more recent. Some I mocked up(so if they look amateur, they are...haha). Most of them Starla did. You may even recognize the original TDTSU cover in there. But none of them screamed at me that it was THE ONE! I wanted something new and refreshing and nothing was sitting right. UNTIL...
FINALLY, after design after design AFTER DESIGN, we found the winner! It encompasses everything I hoped it would. I'm praying y'all agree cuz it ain't changing! This is it. This is what you get! And if I try to change it again, tell me NO.
BEFORE life wasn’t perfect. Peyton Parker was grieving the loss of her father. Brodee Fisher was battling for control over his future with his father. But every summer their families came together to rejuvenate and lose themselves in the salt air of Cape Hatteras. Nothing could put a damper on the sun, sand, and surf.
AFTER everything changed.
NOW, I know what you really want to know is, when is it coming, Mindy?? You keep saying it's coming soon, but how soon? Clearly, I've hit a few bumps along the way with this one, which is the biggest reason why I haven't given any release dates that I'd have to backtrack on. I want it to be perfect before it hits your hands. So, keep being patient. We're getting so close. Keep an eye out for it. I promise once I publish it I'll shout it from the mountaintops!