Stain Cover and Blurb Reveal

I've been holding on to this cover since April. Do you know how hard that is??? I originally planned on writing Stain a long time ago, but then TDTSU, Paper Planes, Glimmer, and Subway Stops happened.  This one is not one I've been able to pantster my way through. I've been plotting it ever since 2014. I even have a five page outline. I don't even know who I am anymore. Pantster, what? I've had the full jacket as my desktop for months, so I could stare at it every day. Okay Creations. really hit the mark. Sarah nails my vision every time. While it's still going to be awhile until this book comes, I couldn't hold the cover hostage any longer!

Genre: Psychological Thriller
Release Date: Fall 2017

A rock sensation.
A Hollywood starlet.
A reclusive journalist.

Accused of murdering his fiancé, Blake Collins drops from the radar. His chosen sanctuary? The girl he left behind.

Katarina Soloway is the one person Blake trusts to uncover the facts, but the further they dig, the more twisted the truth becomes.

When paths cross, no one is safe. Horrors always leave a mark. The stain of truth may never come clean.

ADD on Goodreads:

The full jacket is my FAVORITE!!!